Since I'm like most folks, full time job, family, bills, etc I can't be everywhere I would like to be, nor am I able to attend every event that catches my eye. Your input in this area will be invaluable. As readership grows I hope more and more will take a few minutes to post comments and observations about anything motorcycle related. Additionally please feel free to send pic and those will be posted along with your narrative.

Around the southeast we are leaving a mild winter and moving to spring and with the seasonal change will be the return of the weekly "Bike Night." Calendars across both North and South Carolina and Georgia will be populated with all manner of bars, restaurants, and bike shops trying to get the biker population to drop by, drop a few bucks, and have a party.
One of the biggest is the weekly event held by Quaker Steak and Harley Davidson of Greenville, SC. The two facilities are neighbors and over the years have partnered for the most successful events. Other locations such as Hooters, Chiefs, and Wild Wings have had short lived attempts but for various reasons they failed to catch on. So, at this point the Quaker / Harley event is the primary party most will be attending.
This year the kick off is Wednesday, April 4th, starting at 6pm. We'll be there and will report back with a ton of pics and details.
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